Free Animated Cartoon Side Scrolling Road Scene (Night Version)
Click below to download a 30 second video of this side scrolling scene. I hope to keep making more of

Unbiased News; It Can Be Acquired
Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels I recently subscribed to a news provider https://join1440.com/ Quoting.... 1440 provides an impartial view

Let's Settle This Like Internet Adults
Well, let's give it a go, but you'll still be wrong about a few things NO MATTER HOW MANY INTERNET

Useful Websites You Didn't Know About
Life is hard, and annoying, and sometimes the internet seems to make it worse. HOWEVER. Now and then you stumble

Some of the Best Cat Toys
Our little orange boy, Reggie, is a playing cat. He plays hard, and especially when he becomes engrossed with a

You Just Have To Laugh; Lady Vs Lion
I love this video. Apparently the lion is her pet. It's just so funny to see such a big acting

Cheetah3D Render With Only Primitives, Modifiers, And Shaders
Cheetah3D Render With Only Primitives, Modifiers, And Shaders Well, I'm just plum tickled with this render. Slowly, but surely, more

Free Star Field and Warp Jump Motion Background
Another fun Motion 5 learning experience with a particle emitter and a replicator. The more still star field in

Free Animated Cartoon Road Scene
This is a very simplistic side scrolling view of moving down a road made entirely in Motion 5. The

The Gift of Guitar Pedals
What's This Article For? [NOTE: I will probably build this article over time. Should you have questions or want to